Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Now that the lockdowns are slowly transitioning into something more bearable I can’t stop thinking about how it happened that we all, the whole world, got locked up in our homes overnight.

It frightens me how easy it was to control our every movement, our every thought.

As if this was not enough, in the recent news people started drawing circles in parks in California to maintain the distance! Where does this end?

All this time I was going for my regular bike rides, walks around my neighborhood, alone or with my close friends, not actually realizing the real gravity of the situation. Not the gravity of death and number of sick people. There was not a case of covid in my immediate community. The apocalyptic predictions they were bombarding us right from the beginning have never materialized.

Millions will be dead. We ALL will get the VIRUS!

Fear was immense, and still is. The TV machine was working overtime. Recently, a friend of mine was telling me how she got bullied by some of her facebook friends who learnt that she was going for walks and bike rides with her friends, even keeping the ten or more feet distance between them.

Even with all this fear, it was almost shocking to me to learn that many people in BC literally haven’t left their homes and backyards all this time!

If you’ve read my previous post you probably already know that I have been highly suspicious about the whole pandemic. There are just too many illogical things going on. Only time will tell what really happened in the last three or so months, but one thing is for sure: the ease of how the control over us has happened, and the magnitude of it.

To me this is extremely worrisome.


Like the completely deserted streets in the capitals all over the world we were presented over the media.

Like the eerie streets we all experienced around our own neighborhood immediately after the lock down.

Lock down.

We all got locked?

Yes we did!

This led me thinking and digging deep to try to understand the real bases behind this control, so I compiled a list. Weather these tools were intentionally set or just happened organically for reasons we can all speculate about is another story. Coincidences don’t exist, but even if we put that aside, we can clearly identify several possible reasons or tools of control.


One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Canada is how everybody is so composed, very even minded. We Slavs are taught and encouraged to show our emotions. It makes you feel alive, it becomes your integrity, your identity. It shows you that you exist. That you matter. It becomes a tool of expression, of winning the arguments, and with that the life battles.

Over the years I grew to appreciate the control of emotions, especially when you live in a culture with certain values against expressing your emotions freely. Be cool, it’s the way most Canadians grew up. This is the only acceptable way, everything else is looked down on. There are positive aspects of this, especially that concern your own well being. However…. “Don’t let things that you can’t control control you!” That mantra to this day evokes mixed feelings in me. I learnt to behave as most born Canadians do, but deep down, I don’t believe that is the right way. Now I know why.

Because it’s allowing the lock downs like this. Because if you don’t voice your passion against something, things will keep going the way someone “above”, that we seemingly have no control of, has mapped out.


Pride is very closely connected to emotions. Being a Serb, we are one of the most proud cultures in the world. It was proved in many world wide surveys. This brought us many troubles throughout our history, however, it also made us feel true to who we are.

In Canada, most people are proud of being Canadian, but in a subdued way. You are not supposed to show it. There is circumstances where it is appropriate to show it, like in hockey games, or any international sport, but otherwise, it’s mostly closeted. Here we have the gay community very vocal about being proud of who we are, but aside from that, most people don’t value pride. It’s a bad feeling.

So when you are not proud, you get locked up easily.

Serbs for that reason were in wars for probably most of their history....


Like in all things, there are two sides of the same thing. Positive and negative. The nationalism I talk about is the feeling of belonging to a nation, and being proud of that. Being proud of belonging to a culture and all its unique manifestations. With globalist movements spread by exporting western democracy, this is increasingly becoming eradicated. We used to travel to different parts of the world to experience the exact cultural differences we crave and admire, to increasingly notice how all the shops are becoming the same, all the restaurants, markets, goods....

We complain about it, but because we can’t control it, we abandon the rebellious feeling inside us. Because there is no point, because we shouldn’t get emotional about it.

In a country like Canada, that still to this day struggles with its identity, it’s not surprising that nationalism is a foreign term, for most. Add to that the propaganda that every nationalism is destructive and negative, you create a society very prone to be easily manipulated.

Locked down.

BC is doing the best in this epidemic probably on the world level. And we should and are proud of that. But it also shows that we are most obedient of them all…


Very closely connected to the above, this tool is probably one of the most powerful of all. It’s so widely accepted for many reasons. It’s human nature to prefer being a part of a majority, belong to a group that thinks and believes the same. The propaganda machine to apply this tool is so strong and on almost every level of today’s society. Of course, everybody should strive to be as nice as possible, to not offend anybody or anything, to be considerate. But, the problem is that this got so deep where people are not allowed to voice their opinion if it, in even small ways, differs from the accepted norm.

Although I’m absolutely sure that there are many people out there who think that many things about this pandemic are illogical, if not suspicious, they will never have the guts to voice it. The virus came from China, so it is a Chinese virus. It’s a fact. But you are not allowed to say it because you could offend the nation. I’m a Serb, but you should never call me one, because the Serbs are BAD people, as it has been portrayed in mainstream media for years and years.

But it is a fact. And I’m proud of it.

So when you don’t have a choice of voicing your true opinion, you remain quiet. And stop fighting. Stop thinking.

And you get locked down.


In an environment that does not support showing emotions, it is mostly against national pride, and it’s always striving for political correctness, it’s understandable that the peer pressure to behave a certain way is extremely strong. Add to that the political system that never witnessed a true change in governing, when all political parties abandon most of their promises as soon as they enter the political throne and start behaving the same as their predecessor, you get a society well trained to think one and the same way.

It’s becoming extreme to what extent people can't go against the mainstream opinions and values. The so called liberals are becoming more extreme liberals, threatening and bullying the minority who still dare to think differently. In this blindness the objectiveness is becoming less important than belonging to a horde.

This is even more frightening because it’s becoming a tool of the control system inventing the control tools controlling themselves!


It is clear to most how strong the movement about destroying or weakening the education system has been over the last several decades, and still continues. Of course, there is always justification for everything. Lack of resources mostly. But, this is the most common sense of all: education is one of the most important branches of any successful system, and it should remain strong and rich.

But it’s not. Is this a coincidence? I doubt it.

The system of control does not need smart people who can think on their own. It does not need people who voice their opinions, who feel deeply about their values and beliefs. To maintain the emotionless society you first eliminate arts. Fine arts, music. This has been the first to suffer under the lack of financial support. Sport is another one.

As subtle as it may seem, it’s extremely powerful.


At first, this very common phrase sounds extremely positive. It is aimed to move you forward, to not dwell on the past, to let you free. This is how most Canadians are raised to believe.

But when you connect it to all the subtleties of the above noted tools, it becomes clear that it can become just as powerful as them. Past is something bad. The less you know about it the happier you will be. Do not dwell on the past mistakes, on the history lessons. Who cares about history anyways?

Forget about what the government has done. Forget about all the wrong doings. They are just a conspiracy.

If you don’t know about the past you can’t figure out your future.


There has been a big movement about eliminating ego from our self identity in decades. Again, I will talk here about the positive side of it. Ego, by definition, is a sense of self value. This is of course a healthy sense.

Without it, the world would not move.

You have to feel capable of raising a child if you want to be a parent. That’s ego.

You have to feel worthy of getting a job you apply for. That’s ego.

You have to feel that you have something to say in all the creative endeavors of our lives. You have to believe that it is something worth reading or looking at if you want to publish it or print it.

You have to believe that your architectural design is something your client will accept if you are a designer. That’s ego.

You have to believe that you have something to teach your children, that your values are the right ones, and that they deserve to be accepted. That’s ego.

You have to believe in your feelings, in your thoughts, in your words. Without ego, you become an empty shell.

You become a perfect object for a lock down!


I’m sure everybody has witnessed this tool in action. We are all aware of how the current system is tailored to destroy the very unit the whole civilization is rooted by.

Parents work most of the time, children are taken care of by the dissolving educational system, or even worse by the controlling government. There is not enough energy left in parents to deal with all that parenthood brings. Children grow more and more distant from the parents. Add to that all of the above, you get a quite disfuncional unit that is not able to support and control itself.

This creates a perfect ground for the system to jump in and control it the way they choose to.


Again, if you have read my previous posts, you know about my stance about the censorship that has been growing more and more blatant in all the media, including social media that only until recently most of us were ready to swear by. The fact that it happens so obviously today is just another sign to me that all of the tools I listed above are most likely not coincidental. It’s hard for most of us to face the cruel fact that it’s probably all true, but I will leave it to you to deal with that fact the best you are able to.

When you add that the system is established in such a way that most all the media is extremely biased and bulliyish toward any diverse opinion, that most of judicial system is as biased as it can be, using all the above ever so subtle tools, that fear is the most ultimate tool of manipulation we are all aware of, we get the system that dares to play us every which way they want, even breaking up not only family unit, but the friendships!

Locking us all up overnight.

In circles.

Isn’t that scary to you?

Friday, May 15, 2020


My walks and bike rides have always been a form of meditation. I was able to formalize it as such after years and years of reading and experiencing the so-called spiritual awakening that everybody today is aware of one way or another. Either as just a casual reader or some form of a practitioner.

At the beginning I wasn’t thinking about meditation per se but simply enjoying the surroundings, either urban or rural, or completely natural and wild. It was never about exercising, getting fit, reaching a fitness goal, fighting and sweating. It was about feeling good, inhaling the beauty of the surroundings, or if I’m doing it with someone, inhaling the wisdom of our collective thoughts.

The fitness comes secondary, as a result of the moving body and mind at the same time.

Years ago, around the times of my high school years, I started hearing about yoga and its popularity in America, or the west in general. Being the last shiver of the hippie movement in communist Yugoslavia (I can prove it: I have a peace sign tattoo on my left forearm that I got in the army when I was nineteen, in 1982. Of course, the movement itself was very different from what it really was on the West Coast here, but nevertheless....) I was open to those concepts and ideas, but yoga in the west just didn’t quite fit. I thought real yoggies are full of wisdom gained by years of practicing the physical and spiritual part of it. Not just anybody could ever do it right. It was also fishy to me that it was becoming commercial, and the concept even today I have a hard time accepting.

Years later, after I tried it myself, I realised that there is something to it, and it stuck. At the same time this awakening movement started happening and spreading around the world. All of a sudden, gurus, teachers and masters started showing up selling their ideas. To this day, although I got used to it for the most part, I have an uncomfortable feeling in my guts when I see all of those young, sometimes very young people, selling services of awakening and being proclaimed by their followers as gurus and teachers.

The problem is, their teachings come from research and reading, not from real life experience, most of the time. If it comes from experience, it is usually way too short to gain the weight of true life wisdom. It’s ok though. Since so many people are following them,I guess, any awakening is better than none. Also, the criteria of the general population has dropped significantly over the decades, so it’s not surprising that the wave of commercial wisdom is accepted so widely.

Obviously, I still look at all of it with a doubtful eye, but I am happy to see that so many people are hungry for it. There is a long suppressed need of people connecting with true universal wisdom that not only looks up to the universe, but more so deep inside ourselves. 

In spite of all of this oversaturation with various recipes offered to us today, people are more depressed than ever. The loneliness is at the highest level ever, even when people live together in partnerships and especially marriages. While we are reading and learning how to connect with ourselves from inside, our connection with the surrounding world is growing further and further apart.

Covid 19 aside even, the suicide rates are at the highest, the drugs are controlling our youth desperate to find some piece in numbing their reality around them, the grown ups are using it just to be able to deal with everyday burden, the divorce rates are skyrocketing, the friendships are way too superficial, etc.

Wherever one looks today, there are just too many things that need to be fixed. One needs several lives dedicated to fighting just to fix a few. Starting from the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the sun we don’t use, nature, the industry, the economy, you name it.

That leads me to the reason why I’m writing this today. As I was stopping to take pictures of these gentle flowers and leaves along my way, I realized: the true awakening will never happen until we are free! And we can never feel free in the system we live in today.

Not just free of accepting who we are, but of accepting the world around us. And we can only accept it when we fix it. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be my generation, but some of the upcoming ones for sure will have to.

To feel free, we need to be free.

We need to be free from the information dictatorships growing up daily, free from the money that breeds corruption, free from the modern day system based on work slavery, free from the fake democracy that hides behind genocides being committed to this day here in North Amerika, and elsewhere, against the indigenous people, free from the fake media that can only become true media when it becomes objective. To be objective we need to be free to see and choose from both sides. We need to be free to love whomever our hearts choose, we need to get rid of politicians and political parties, we need to be fed with healthy food.

It’s not the awakening that will bring us freedom. Everybody is aware of the problems we are surrounded with, and that doesn’t make us happier. On the opposite. We need to fix them first. We need to be in harmony not only within and with ourselves, but with the world we live in. Otherwise, we can never reach the full potential of who we truly are.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I know one day it will happen. It will all be fixed. Peacefully, I want to believe, but I’m afraid it might not be.

But I wish I could awaken in that world.

Friday, May 8, 2020


The surrealism of the recent “everyday magic” continues. Yesterday on our dear F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k I posted a video sent to me by a friend. It was a live interview of a nobel prize laureate Dr. Luc Antoine Montagnier on French TV. He was a recipient of the prestigious (or what I still believe is prestigious, although after what happened I may be wrong according to the “higher experts”). It was subtitled in Serbian.

I watched the whole thing as this was closely related to a video called P.l.a.n.d.e.m.i.c. I posted a day earlier, and which got deleted a few hours later. I spell it this way hoping it will escape the automatic censorship that keeps cutting it off. In the latter video Dr. Judy Mikovits was mentioning Dr. Montagnier, who in his live appearance was explaining exactly what Dr. Judy was talking in her interview.

A few hours later, I saw that my post was edited and the result you see at the top of this writing.

To say the least, this was a shock. Although I’m aware of the existence of censorship and self censorship on every level of society, I was left choked.

And I still am writing this.

Look at it, please.

It says:

"False information.

Checked by independent fact-checkers.

See why."

There was a flood of questions in my head seeing this.

Who can possibly think that they can judge what facts are right and wrong? Only extremely arrogant people, or people who are well paid to follow the ruling agenda.

This nobel prize winner was born in 1932. He is basically at the end of his life. Do they really think that someone of that age and reputation would risk sitting in front of a live audience and lie about his experiments and findings? What can he gain by this? If anything, he can only gain notoriety. Which is obviously already happening. Yet, he is still standing behind his words.

Who dares to call it false? He was not talking about abstract ideas, but his research, experiments, and findings that led him to certain conclusions that contradict mainstream science. Why is this something that shouldn’t be shown to everybody?

Why is a different opinion not allowed today?

They asked me to “See why”. How arrogant! How disrespectful! How demining!

They really think that they know better than others what is correct and what is not. Are we all deplorables if we dare to search for some other truth? Looks like we are. We are incapable of making our own decisions and conclusions!

We need to be told what to believe.

Just a thought of this makes me desperate. It’s maddening. It’s mad. It’s insane.

Let’s put the content of this video aside. Whether you believe it or not it’s your business and it should be your choice. But not being able to voice another opinion is frightening.

Not being allowed to see another side is beyond controlling.

It's a dictatorship.

And that’s what it seems we live in. All wrapped in smiles, fake pretence, empty flatterings.

This is just another example of blatant bullying people into submission of believing what “They” want you to believe. No wonder people are afraid to voice their opinions if they are even remotely different from the mainstream. All those self proclaimed sophisticated, yet brain washed, individuals who don’t even realise that’s what they are.

That’s what’s most frightening in all of this.

If I was talking about pot and getting high, people would jump on it like there is no tomorrow. Because it’s one of the safest, politically correct, concepts in today’s world. Hardly anybody would bully you into believing it’s not right.

You dare to go against the grain, to try to show another side - God help you!.

Bad boy! You are stupid. You are not supposed to do that. Be good. Submit. That’s what I feel reading that text in the image.

How can anybody feel that this is in any way right? This is the most disheartening question I have about this topic. Where did we lose a sense of objectivity?

We need the opposite side to be objective.

However, the world is becoming one sided.

Extremist leftist pretending they know it all.

Passive aggressives who want to impose it upon you.

Self destructive, blind, non-commonsensical political correctness.




But they can never silence the music from the balconies.


No matter how hard they try.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


My blog says it’s about everyday magic.

These days the magic is so extreme that it’s turned surreal!

Controlling the narrative was a concept I thought I brought with me from the former communist Yugoslavia. We all know how heavily the communist machine works. Turns out, every system works supported by that same machine.

Only here, it’s wrapped in shinier paper.

The package is quite simple. You have a ruling party that over the decades has developed a support system of acceptable rules disseminated by a web of media and judiciary. Basically. Their competition / opposition is so weak and, no matter what promises they make, they always turn pretty much the same way as their predecessors.

So this keeps going on and on. Eventually, people lose sense of what the real differences are and start believing what the majority believes. Add to that a constant campaign about political correctness, plus a natural need for people to flow down the stream and feel they belong to the same main group, you get a perfect soil to plant ever so subtle control.

I met a stranger today, and after a couple sentences, he says he is beginning to get tired of this isolation and quarantine. He is meeting with his extended family after work, no matter what.

“This is way too fishy what’s going on”, he says.

And I realised, I’m not the only one who feels the same.

It was almost too easy to get us all locked up.

As if somebody just screamed “Virus!”, and we all ducked and froze.

The whole world froze!

At first, it was kind of making sense. Protect the elderly, The invisible threat of people not having symptoms overnight became so intense that we forgot that only yesterday we were walking and dealing with the same people we now avoid so fearfully! We stopped visiting with our family members the next morning, although we were hanging with them every day before that and nobody was in a senior’s home or even travelling recently.

The idea of not overwhelming our healthcare system with predictions that EVERYONE will be infected very soon seemed very real. And kept being repeated day after day. Nobody was even wondering how it is that we, as one of the top ten richest countries in the world, have to depend on China for protective face masks. Put aside the surreal fact that we didn’t make them, but we didn’t even have enough!

And then the respirators. We needed hundreds of thousands, even millions, as predictions kept coming about millions who will need them. But none of that materialized. And, I know, you will say because we all followed the rules, and we are all in this together.

That may be true, but still, a question remains, why were we not ready?

Are we going to be not ready for the next one that is just around the corner? Inevitably.

Today I had to go to the Saint Paul’s hospital in Vancouver for a heart test that was postponed because of the pandemic. The hospital was eerily empty. The medical staff had only me to deal with. There were empty beds everywhere. There were only four of us I counted walking the hallways.

It just didn't make sense to me.

As I am, obviously if you’ve just read this far, one of those who don’t slide down the stream with everybody, at least not all the time, I tend to look for other information, for other points of view, so I can make the most sense of everything. These days it’s extremely hard to even have a different opinion! And control of information is becoming surreal too.

There was a video on u t.u.b.e a few days ago with two doctors from California who own seven medical practices. The local media was interviewing them, and if you were patient enough to watch the whole thing, you’d be at least puzzled, if not shocked by the amount of facts these guys were presenting and questioning. The data they were presenting was completely opposite from the main narrative. The video got viral and in a day got over a million and a half views.

It got deleted!

Because it was presenting an “alternative” view of reality that didn’t fit the acceptable narrative.

Now, you can think whatever you wish about the video if you have watched it, agree or disagree, but you have to be suspicious about this kind of control. To me, it was clear that somebody didn’t like the truth they were exposing, but even if you don’t believe it, don’t you think it’s too much to remove the freedom of deciding what YOU want to believe?

There was another example, even more blatant. A video about a woman, a doctor, who is exposing, fact after fact, from her own experience that included a five day jail time just because she was having a different point of view and exposing the corruption of the leading medical expert who has been all over the news on a daily basis since this started. The video keeps getting deleted although people keep reposting it!

You may say it’s conspiracy theory, it’s lies, it’s this and that, and that’s ok. But we should all agree that it’s not ok to censor different points of view. This is scary. You are not allowed to say anything that contravenes what the majority thinks.

You will be bullied into submission.

You will be forced to go into the closet with your ideas.

What’s even scarier to me is how willingly people accept all of that control.

One of the most recent examples of controlling the narrative was with our Premier who openly supported a corrupted corporation, and after some short time he started refusing to talk about it and answer questions that kept coming. This was very strategically done so the talk about it all had subsided just in time with the election.

Which he won again!

The machine knows exactly what to do and how much. They perfectly know how busy everybody is so not many people have time nor desire to dig deeper then the newspaper titles. They know how to manipulate the interpretations of whatever their opposition does. They serve their agenda, and they are ready to accuse anybody of exactly what they are actually doing behind the curtain.

And I don’t know what the solution for this is. Are we all lost? Is there a way out? Can we actually get out of all of this? Not just the pandemic, but the subtle control that keeps gripping.

I just know it’s not right.

It’s way beyond magical.

It’s getting grotesque.

And I pray people will wake up.

Wake up with the music I still hear.

From the balconies of the better world.

Monday, May 4, 2020


My last post was almost full five years ago.

Silence in my head.

Where did the years go?

In questioning this topic.

In pondering beyond it.

In dissapointments about it.

In further disilllusionment.

In persistant optimism.

In love, inspite of everything.

I'm not jaded, to my own surprise. I understand that the "Change is the only constant", and I truly think I swim in those waters quite well. Every once in a while I get reminded about the absurdity of things, especially about the music industry, but now I just shake my head and keep going.

Today I realise it took years to get to that!

I ask myself often what the point of all of this is? Is it likes, is it comments, is it the number of people who will read it (or not)?

None of it.

The point is simply writing. If it was ever anything else, now it's clear that writing is an essential part of what I need to do to feel alive. To dig deeper. To come to conclusions and understandings.

To feel.

I just finished rewriting (digitizing) two notebooks of diaries I was taking throughout the 90s, back in Serbia and very shortly after I moved to Canada. In this process I went through organizing chronologically all the letters I have from my closest friends, family - present and past. They will all be a part of the book I have been working on in the last years.

What a revelation that was! I think everybody should write. All the time. Everything. There is something magical about catching the moment, the feel, the emotion, the ever seemingly insignificant events, and re-experiencing them with your new age years after.

Back to the music.

Recently I have been approached by yet another desperate music service company that works on organizing gigs. Quite big, throughout Canada. Perhaps in the USA as well. The owner wanted to talk with me personally over the phone. Over the years I've learnt not to be overly surprised, but this left me quite curious, I must say.

He asks if I still write music. We have been in touch once some years ago. Am I planing to release something soon? He wants to talk about what my plans are, and what I'm looking for at this time of my (non existent) music career. I go into details about what I work on, how many projects are on the go and such.

What exactly my needs are at the moment. He really wants to know.

I tell him that it's extremely hard at my age to attract musicians if there is no paid gigs lined up. It's true. When you are in your twenties things happen with love and enthusiasm around the common cause, you are living your school years, life is less structured, dreams are way huge, there is way more opportunities and time to connect with similar souls.

Not when you are 55!

He listens intently. I can see him nodding behind the wireless tower.

I tell him if I had a lineup of gigs I can present to the pro musicians I have access to, I could get a very good band ready in a few days, and he seems to have the exact opportunity for that.

It would work perfectly. I get the musicians the paid gigs, he gets a good, reliable band, with almost unlimited access to original songs.
At least for my life span.

In a couple days I received an email from him.

It contains a proposal of a promo package he offers for my new projects.


It includes articles in two magazines he advertises in his website to the sky and back.

With a bit of online digging, it turns out that the two "prominent" magazines are only online, and administered by his former employee.

At this point I'm not even surprised.

I laugh it off.

The music industry today (or most of it, and most major players in it) is not there for you, the musician. And I don't care anymore if I piss anybody off with this or not. My time in this music industry realm is over, and I will only continue to make music because I have to by my creative nature and love, no matter where it happens to end up.

The major players for the most part are predators. I've been approached by several. They will stream your music for close to nothing, they will even encourage you to give your music for free.
They will make you do everything just so they can come and scoop the honey after all your hard work. If you are lucky you will be one of the handfull of those who make money with your songs, but even then you will get peanuts from millions and millions of streams. You may be lucky to get a bit more with gigs.

With all of that, they will want to mold you into a scheme that fits what they think it works.

I learnt that billboard positions can be paid with packages of $20-$25k, I was promised all american distribution in stores just to be told it didn't work, but asked to pay another $3,000 for the
two small remaining stores somewhere who knows where, while at the same time designing myself the promo sheet! I was tempted to give a song to an american library only to see the agreement I was sent to sign that says they can do whatever they want with the song! No way. And so on. And so on.

And, even though this sounds very harsh, I'm ok with it. They figured it out. Great for them.

I'm even ok with musicians, creators, accepting it and submitting to it.

Change is inevitable. Perhaps, I only had more belief in the power of creators, their pride, their potential fight with the way things were going. But, I was wrong.

And that's ok.

I still have so much love in me that it will never run out. I also still have music, and writing, and so many creative things to keep me happy and alive.
Whether it was approved or not.

The point is creating. 

That's all that matters.