Saturday, October 30, 2021


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

Yesterday I got my passport to life.

My deep aversion to these slangs like “vax.xed”, “unvax.xed”, “jab.bed”, “double jab.bed”, and even deeper division of people they promote just grew ever stronger inside me.

What is happening to us, I asked myself while taking that photo of the red tree. At that moment, it reflected exactly how I feel inside. Boiling, outrage, confusion, disappointment, deep disappointment, doubt, helplessness, disarmament.

I told my friend I got permission now to go to pubs again.

What progress!

We got to the point where we need a pass to life.


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

My path to this started with a deep aversion to vac(c)ination, which in turn started back in 2018. Since I moved to Canada in 1994, I have been getting the flu vaccine every year. And every year I would get the flu. Every year it would last longer. My right lung was getting worn out, literally.

In 2018, after I returned from my trip to Toronto in November, I got what I thought was a very bad cough. One that I never experienced before. My lungs and my head felt like exploding. At times I would cough so much that I felt I would pass out. Several times I would black out on my pillow, luckily returning to my senses with a frightening feeling of death lurring.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

The cough was tearing my lungs appart, burning, and I would struggle to get enough air. I was sick at home for two weeks, and after that time it felt like it was finally getting bearable. Still coughing, I returned to work for a week, just to have the cough return even worse. So it started my back and forth between staying home sick and coming back to work for shorter periods.

My coworkers were wary of me being around and coughing my lungs out. At one point between January and February, coincidental or not, one third of my office was sick at home at the same time! I remember our clients were in disbelief hearing this, while I had a wrenching feeling in my guts that I may have been the cause.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

That year, 2018, was the last I had the flu vaccine. The cough lasted well into the spring, and finally disappeared in June 2019, over six month after! In 2019 I again skipped the vac(c)ine, and that winter again, I was spared my usual coughs.

Then the p(l)andemic started.

My office immediately switched to remote working. In 2020 I skipped the flu vaccine again, and again my coughs never returned.

I was determined never to get the vac(c)ine again.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

When the pressure started mounting to get vac(c)inated against c(l)ovid, my resistance started getting stronger. There are too many unclear things, concepts, rules and suspicious information going on that if you don’t realize it yourself, nobody could explain it to you. Many things you can only feel deep down in your guts.

Constant flip-flopping on recommendations and rules is just one of them. The confusion about the available data and refusal to share some key ones with the public is another one. Unclear information about all the deaths “related” to c(l)ovid is another.

Nobody ever mentions putting the billions of borrowed money into improving the healthcare system, weakening it even further by firing over 4000 healthcare workers for refusing to take the va(cc)ine is mind boggling!

Remember, those are the same ones we were making noise for every night at 7pm to thank them for their sacrifice?

Not to mention the idea that you walk with the mask to your table, only to remove it when you sit at it, and start eating, while the breath and spit particles start flying all over the place! The particles only stay around your table, you know. That's what experts must be thinking when making up that rule.

That one still tops it all.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

So I was determined to avoid getting va(kk)ed for as long as I can, and hopefully skip it all together. It’s not the division and bullying by the writeous va(kk)ed people that got me to change my mind, nor is it being mandated. I was prepared not to live fully without it for as long as it takes. No pubs, no concerts, no travel, so be it!

Then my client calls and wants to meet my team at a pub for a design charrette!

And that was it.

It never even crossed my mind that it could happen because of a client. But it did. I was not going to go into arguments about c(l)ovid with them. No way. And I’m not going to tell them I can’t meet their expectations because of a jab either.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

There was no way out.

I felt I had to capitulate. I felt deflated, helpless, trapped.

But I had to do it.

I’m still deeply against what’s happening in that respect. And I am convinced many things just don’t add up.

But at the end of the day, when everything gets back to normal, I want to look at myself and not feel I was a part of the problem. I did everything that could be done.

Is it going to return to normal? That's the real question. My gut tells me it never will.

But I still remain hopeful.

Even with this much frustration, at times anger about the government decisions, with lack of common sense, with censorships, with suppression of thoughts, with divisions, with distrust, I am still waiting.

And if it doesn’t come, we are in big trouble.

Until then, I still choose to believe in good.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

Where are we going?

This is a one sided system we live in.

Under a disguise of democracy.

Democracy is the practice or principles of social equality.

There is no equality in one sided systems.

One sided systems are systems of suppression and inequality.

Fasizm. Communism.

In our case today, globally, it’s the far left authoritarianism characterized by dictatorial power, demonstrated by suppression of free thinking.

Democracy is a rule of the majority. The majority opinion and ability to make informed decisions must be based on non-biased media and social media platforms, and objective, balanced reporting.

There are always two sides of the truth. If one is suppressed, this is called totalitarianism.

Who is to make a decision of what is right and what is wrong, false or truthful?

Only the people.

Not the one sided media.

The majority can not rule if their choice is manipulated by that one sided media. Be it far left or far right, this should not be the case in a balanced, objective system.

In the present world, this is unfortunately the far left.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

This is easily recognized in the process of the leading mainstream media launching the biased news created to follow the heavy narrative of the left. The narrative is not necessarily based on logic, common sense, reason, facts. It’s created for one purpose only: to manipulate and sway the public opinion in the direction of the narrative. In this process the means used are blatant lies, false discreditation of the opposite side - if it even exists, bullying, and set ups, even inciting riots while blaming the other side, censorship, etc.

As soon as this news hits the streets, every media in the world repeats it, most of the time in the exact words!

For this I don’t even have to rely on the most recent events here in North America. Being a Serbian Canadian, I know that the ruling political powers control the majority of the media in Serbia. This is also the case in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all other Balkan countries. This is the case in Russia, in Latin America, everywhere.

Unfortunately, this is clearly the case in Canada and America. Majority of the media is heavily left biased. The remaining 2% is too weak and too quiet to stir the pot strong enough.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

Now, how is that narrative created?

It is not created based on what is right or wrong, but on the interests of the parties involved. The media is heavily owned by the left leaning forces here in North America. Take into consideration the money involved in the elections, corporate powers, financial institutions, foreign interests and investments, etc. For decades the system manipulative infrastructure has been built to follow the same narrative. This infrastructure includes the heavily biased media.

Add to that the power to manipulate the elections, as is the case in the most recent one in the USA, you get a perfect system of control. Again, I don’t have to list all the facts that indicate manipulation and even crime committed in this election. I know for a fact that the counting machines and software used were produced in Serbia. With the corrupted political structure in Serbia, I know for a fact that the politicians there would not hesitate to fulfill any request from the clients involved as they are desperate to have any business at all. Especially the one that provides money under the table in the pockets of the leading politicians.

I also know for a fact that the political structure there is using various ways of forcing the people to vote for them. This includes friends who were threatened losing their jobs if they don’t vote for the party. The point is, for the narrative, for the specific goal, political parties are willing to do anything. Unfortunately, this is not only limited to the third world countries.

It is everywhere.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

The most concerning thing is that the majority of people are not able to recognize the level of manipulation happening. Constant discreditation of the opinions of the other side is common. This even goes as far as bullying. Not only on every level of systemic structure, but on a personal level as well.

Recently, I was personally insulted by an acquaintance when I simply stated my opinion on a topic he didn’t agree with. I didn’t try to convince anybody in the group, I didn’t intend to impose my opinion upon anybody. It was just a simple statement. I was shaken by his response.

An insult is a form of bullying.

And this happens very often these days. I’ve seen it at work as well.

This goes so far that people with different opinions avoid any discussion.

They remain quiet.

Instead of hiding your sexuality by being closeted in the past, today we have a large population that is closeted about their political views.

This is extremely worrisome.

Without civilized discussions and debates balanced opinions are impossible to make.

This is how totalitarianism can thrive even without the system being constantly involved.

There are so many things that need to be fixed in any system, especially today. Without the opposing side there is simply no chance for it.

In the history of the world, revolutions and wars were the only ones able to bring systemic changes. People in the past had strong ideals.

Today, they are lost.

Only a global natural disaster may be the answer.

I still want to believe that there is power of reason out there.

We shall wait and see.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020