Saturday, October 30, 2021


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

Yesterday I got my passport to life.

My deep aversion to these slangs like “vax.xed”, “unvax.xed”, “jab.bed”, “double jab.bed”, and even deeper division of people they promote just grew ever stronger inside me.

What is happening to us, I asked myself while taking that photo of the red tree. At that moment, it reflected exactly how I feel inside. Boiling, outrage, confusion, disappointment, deep disappointment, doubt, helplessness, disarmament.

I told my friend I got permission now to go to pubs again.

What progress!

We got to the point where we need a pass to life.


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

My path to this started with a deep aversion to vac(c)ination, which in turn started back in 2018. Since I moved to Canada in 1994, I have been getting the flu vaccine every year. And every year I would get the flu. Every year it would last longer. My right lung was getting worn out, literally.

In 2018, after I returned from my trip to Toronto in November, I got what I thought was a very bad cough. One that I never experienced before. My lungs and my head felt like exploding. At times I would cough so much that I felt I would pass out. Several times I would black out on my pillow, luckily returning to my senses with a frightening feeling of death lurring.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

The cough was tearing my lungs appart, burning, and I would struggle to get enough air. I was sick at home for two weeks, and after that time it felt like it was finally getting bearable. Still coughing, I returned to work for a week, just to have the cough return even worse. So it started my back and forth between staying home sick and coming back to work for shorter periods.

My coworkers were wary of me being around and coughing my lungs out. At one point between January and February, coincidental or not, one third of my office was sick at home at the same time! I remember our clients were in disbelief hearing this, while I had a wrenching feeling in my guts that I may have been the cause.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

That year, 2018, was the last I had the flu vaccine. The cough lasted well into the spring, and finally disappeared in June 2019, over six month after! In 2019 I again skipped the vac(c)ine, and that winter again, I was spared my usual coughs.

Then the p(l)andemic started.

My office immediately switched to remote working. In 2020 I skipped the flu vaccine again, and again my coughs never returned.

I was determined never to get the vac(c)ine again.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

When the pressure started mounting to get vac(c)inated against c(l)ovid, my resistance started getting stronger. There are too many unclear things, concepts, rules and suspicious information going on that if you don’t realize it yourself, nobody could explain it to you. Many things you can only feel deep down in your guts.

Constant flip-flopping on recommendations and rules is just one of them. The confusion about the available data and refusal to share some key ones with the public is another one. Unclear information about all the deaths “related” to c(l)ovid is another.

Nobody ever mentions putting the billions of borrowed money into improving the healthcare system, weakening it even further by firing over 4000 healthcare workers for refusing to take the va(cc)ine is mind boggling!

Remember, those are the same ones we were making noise for every night at 7pm to thank them for their sacrifice?

Not to mention the idea that you walk with the mask to your table, only to remove it when you sit at it, and start eating, while the breath and spit particles start flying all over the place! The particles only stay around your table, you know. That's what experts must be thinking when making up that rule.

That one still tops it all.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

So I was determined to avoid getting va(kk)ed for as long as I can, and hopefully skip it all together. It’s not the division and bullying by the writeous va(kk)ed people that got me to change my mind, nor is it being mandated. I was prepared not to live fully without it for as long as it takes. No pubs, no concerts, no travel, so be it!

Then my client calls and wants to meet my team at a pub for a design charrette!

And that was it.

It never even crossed my mind that it could happen because of a client. But it did. I was not going to go into arguments about c(l)ovid with them. No way. And I’m not going to tell them I can’t meet their expectations because of a jab either.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2021

There was no way out.

I felt I had to capitulate. I felt deflated, helpless, trapped.

But I had to do it.

I’m still deeply against what’s happening in that respect. And I am convinced many things just don’t add up.

But at the end of the day, when everything gets back to normal, I want to look at myself and not feel I was a part of the problem. I did everything that could be done.

Is it going to return to normal? That's the real question. My gut tells me it never will.

But I still remain hopeful.

Even with this much frustration, at times anger about the government decisions, with lack of common sense, with censorships, with suppression of thoughts, with divisions, with distrust, I am still waiting.

And if it doesn’t come, we are in big trouble.

Until then, I still choose to believe in good.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

Where are we going?

This is a one sided system we live in.

Under a disguise of democracy.

Democracy is the practice or principles of social equality.

There is no equality in one sided systems.

One sided systems are systems of suppression and inequality.

Fasizm. Communism.

In our case today, globally, it’s the far left authoritarianism characterized by dictatorial power, demonstrated by suppression of free thinking.

Democracy is a rule of the majority. The majority opinion and ability to make informed decisions must be based on non-biased media and social media platforms, and objective, balanced reporting.

There are always two sides of the truth. If one is suppressed, this is called totalitarianism.

Who is to make a decision of what is right and what is wrong, false or truthful?

Only the people.

Not the one sided media.

The majority can not rule if their choice is manipulated by that one sided media. Be it far left or far right, this should not be the case in a balanced, objective system.

In the present world, this is unfortunately the far left.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

This is easily recognized in the process of the leading mainstream media launching the biased news created to follow the heavy narrative of the left. The narrative is not necessarily based on logic, common sense, reason, facts. It’s created for one purpose only: to manipulate and sway the public opinion in the direction of the narrative. In this process the means used are blatant lies, false discreditation of the opposite side - if it even exists, bullying, and set ups, even inciting riots while blaming the other side, censorship, etc.

As soon as this news hits the streets, every media in the world repeats it, most of the time in the exact words!

For this I don’t even have to rely on the most recent events here in North America. Being a Serbian Canadian, I know that the ruling political powers control the majority of the media in Serbia. This is also the case in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all other Balkan countries. This is the case in Russia, in Latin America, everywhere.

Unfortunately, this is clearly the case in Canada and America. Majority of the media is heavily left biased. The remaining 2% is too weak and too quiet to stir the pot strong enough.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

Now, how is that narrative created?

It is not created based on what is right or wrong, but on the interests of the parties involved. The media is heavily owned by the left leaning forces here in North America. Take into consideration the money involved in the elections, corporate powers, financial institutions, foreign interests and investments, etc. For decades the system manipulative infrastructure has been built to follow the same narrative. This infrastructure includes the heavily biased media.

Add to that the power to manipulate the elections, as is the case in the most recent one in the USA, you get a perfect system of control. Again, I don’t have to list all the facts that indicate manipulation and even crime committed in this election. I know for a fact that the counting machines and software used were produced in Serbia. With the corrupted political structure in Serbia, I know for a fact that the politicians there would not hesitate to fulfill any request from the clients involved as they are desperate to have any business at all. Especially the one that provides money under the table in the pockets of the leading politicians.

I also know for a fact that the political structure there is using various ways of forcing the people to vote for them. This includes friends who were threatened losing their jobs if they don’t vote for the party. The point is, for the narrative, for the specific goal, political parties are willing to do anything. Unfortunately, this is not only limited to the third world countries.

It is everywhere.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

The most concerning thing is that the majority of people are not able to recognize the level of manipulation happening. Constant discreditation of the opinions of the other side is common. This even goes as far as bullying. Not only on every level of systemic structure, but on a personal level as well.

Recently, I was personally insulted by an acquaintance when I simply stated my opinion on a topic he didn’t agree with. I didn’t try to convince anybody in the group, I didn’t intend to impose my opinion upon anybody. It was just a simple statement. I was shaken by his response.

An insult is a form of bullying.

And this happens very often these days. I’ve seen it at work as well.

This goes so far that people with different opinions avoid any discussion.

They remain quiet.

Instead of hiding your sexuality by being closeted in the past, today we have a large population that is closeted about their political views.

This is extremely worrisome.

Without civilized discussions and debates balanced opinions are impossible to make.

This is how totalitarianism can thrive even without the system being constantly involved.

There are so many things that need to be fixed in any system, especially today. Without the opposing side there is simply no chance for it.

In the history of the world, revolutions and wars were the only ones able to bring systemic changes. People in the past had strong ideals.

Today, they are lost.

Only a global natural disaster may be the answer.

I still want to believe that there is power of reason out there.

We shall wait and see.

Image copyright: rebel bran - Branislav Vrbaski 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020


Green Timbers Urban Forest - Surrey (Vancouver), BC

Yesterday I came across a FesTV video on YouTube, in Serbian, (link here) where the guy explains his view of the pandemic and why things are happening the way they are. He mentioned a report done by an independent monitoring and advocacy body called Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. It was co-convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organization. Sponsored among others by Bill Gates.

The information is as shocking as doubt provoking.

The board is composed of several members, one of which is Dr. Victor Dzou, who has been praised just recently about the handling of the whole pandemic as a most deserving member.

So I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I googled “GPMB annual report 2019”, and here it was.

If you are one of those who prefer to dig deeper, you would read it and nothing would jump out at you. It’s just a report identifying current conditions in preparedness, and setting up future actions. However....

The highlighted goal, set by September 2020, is for:”The United Nations (including WHO) to conduct at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”

For a casual reader, this is just another goal, an exercise that’s supposed to happen by September 2020.

But, how do you conduct a GLOBAL EXERCISE that will actually show you the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and its preparedness for a pandemic?


The report was a first of its kind, released on September 2019. The fact that it is a first one is a strange fact to say the least, knowing that the world has been exposed to many pandemics over they centuries.

Let me say this again: September 2019 was the release date of the report, stating that two global exercises should happen by September 2020.

In December 2019, only two months after, the virus in Wuhan, China, was first identified.

Let that sink.

To me, it’s a clear indication that this pandemic was artificially created to test the global preparedness. How else would you know that your plan is working?

If you read the report you will recognize several things that have been applied since it started. The governments were already working on all the goals set in the report. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be ready with the billions and billions of dollars for closed businesses and laid off people. Our CERB is actually coming from a CERF fund set by the World Bank, stated in the report.

The World Bank is making its money, WHO resources are getting replenished as indicated in the report, Bill Gates is rubbing his hands waiting for the vaccine he will have a patent for.

And we are running just like headless chickens, this time with the masks over our butts!

Time will tell if this is actually true. Sooner or later the truth will come out. My sense is it is. What is yours?

And if it is, the World Bank, WHO, all other parties involved, and whoever released this virus should be sued for crimes against humanity!

Monday, June 8, 2020



This sentence has been echoing in my ears since Saturday. I foolishly got into a conversation on Facebook over a post involving a group of police officers dealing with a group of young guys.

After a few exchanges, I abandoned the chats, and left.

I had to go out, find some trees, be near water, and get myself back to the peace.

I should make it perfectly clear right away that what happened with George Floyd is horrific, and nothing I am going to say below is intended to demean in any way the importance of the movement against racism triggered by his murder.

What I want to point out though, is what usually is never shown in videos about police violence, and hopefully make us all stop and rethink our first reactions to all similar snippets of reality.

The video I mentioned at the beginning I am not going to share because it’s one of many videos that are intended to manipulate the public into believing that the violence is unprovoked and unnecessary.

In that video I couldn’t just watch and not question, a police officer was requesting a search. The young man was refusing it. He was saying he didn’t do anything wrong, The policeman was, however, trying to get the young man open his hand and hand him the bottle with something that appeared like tablets. The boy was refusing it. Two or three other young men were standing around, and one was recording it with his phone. He kept asking the police officer to stop, saying the guy has done nothing wrong, he doesn’t have the right to search him for no reason. The bottle is just full of tablets. “Give me your badge number!” he kept requesting.

The person who posted the video said you can’t just search people out of nowhere like that.

“Why would you refuse a search if you don’t have anything to hide?” - I asked.

He said: “They shouldn’t search people for no reason.”

I asked again: “How do you know they didn’t have a reason?”

“Because he was telling them that.” - he said.

I said: “People say anything to get out of trouble.”

He said: “So you support the idea that people are guilty before the trial?”

I said: “No, but I don’t think the majority of police officers just attack people for no reason at all.”

He said: “They don’t have the right to ask him to show them the bottle with tablets.”

“How do you know it was tablets?” - I said.

“Didn’t you hear him say it was advil?” - he returned.

“You don’t know it’s actually advil.” - I said.

He of course proceeded telling me that:

“We in Canada don’t think like that, the police are corrupt by default, they just want to harass people for no reason, because all of them are just a*holes! I don’t know where you came from but things here are different. The police should be dismantled once for all!”

I said: “I hope you will live long enough to experience the lawless society you are promoting.”

That’s when he said that anarchy would be a good change!

I realised there is no point.

I had to leave. I had to breathe.

I believe the majority of people are not against the police. However, the ones that are, they are much louder and it appears that they are the actual majority. The supporters of the police force, people who support law and order are not loud enough, and that’s why I’m writing this.

I remember a long time ago in high school I was stopped by two policemen in Serbia. Out of nowhere they asked me:

“What do you think about the police? Are you afraid of them?”

I thought for just a second and said that I’m completely indifferent.

“How so?” they were slightly surprised by my answer.

“I have nothing to fear. I do nothing wrong. But I think it’s good that you guys are around.”

They looked at me for a moment, and just turned their backs and left me.

With no words.

To this day I truly believe that if you have nothing to fear, if you are not trying to bend the rules, break the law in any even small way, you have nothing to fear. They need to do their job. They always have a reason for what they do. If they ask you to search you, you let them. You don’t argue. You assume they have a reason. Of course, there are bad apples everywhere, but majority of the police force members are good, honest people trying to fight against crime and keep the order.

Most videos posted against the police are completely out of context, and they usually serve the agenda of groups who are against them for any reason. But if we look closely, George Floyd was trying to use a counterfeit bill. He was asked to return the merch he bought with it, but he refused. He was highly intoxicated, and being a big guy he presented a natural threat to the officers.

Of course, a $20 bill is in NO WAY a reason to kill someone, but police also knew that he had been a criminal for many years, some of his crimes involving aggression and physical attacks.. So naturally he was a potential threat.

Nobody wants to face that kind of truth. We came to the point where we glorify the criminals just because they belong to a certain race, while there were more than one black police officers killed in the protest and I don’t hear BLM talk about them in America. In Canadian protests, which are peaceful, you still hear it, but in America there seem to be an agenda going on beyond just racial justice.

As I remember, the last time a wave of similar protests happened, there was a similar situation. A guy killed was not just an innocent, law abiding citizen. What happened this time, just after the Covid pandemic started to subside, has another dimension with involvement of the domestic terrorist organizations in the USA, which should open so many questions to everyday people in terms of why it may be happening this way and at the moment it is.

I will leave it open, the time will tell.

My desperation after that conversation on Facebook was compounded by another video I came across that day, where a group of youngsters were recording a guy being slashed and stabbed by another guy, somewhere in Ireland, if I remember correctly. Slashing him over the face, over both his arms, stabbing him at the back in the kidneys…. I couldn’t follow it with a clear head. Nobody called 911. A girl was trying to prevent the other guy stabbing him, but he didn’t care, and he kept stabbing. I could almost feel it!

And she just kept holding the guy. Not calling for help, not calling 911, nothing.

Many of the young generations today live in a virtual world. You can’t tell them anything without arguments. They want to manipulate everything and anything to get what they want. They feel entitled for whatever they think they need and want. They don’t respect any authority, they don’t take any responsibility for their actions, they negotiate about everything. Starting from very early in their childhood.

The parents are left with locked hands where applying any form of discipline is against the law.

My sister was in Switzerland for the last three months being a babysitter for a family. They told my sister to let their daughter do whatever she wants. The daughter was telling my sister that she is stupid, that she is shit, that she is going to kick her out on the street, that she is the boss in this house and that she is going to tell my sister what to do, if she don’t - she will beat her up! That kind of monster is created by the society based on lack of any discipline and respect.

And, I’m thinking, I could totally see the anarchistic world this guy was promoting!

That’s why we need to raise our voice against all this manipulation of public opinion.

Before it’s too late. If it already isn’t.

I believe we can still have a world without fear, with order, with goodness, with the law enforcement that does not abuse their power. The majority of those quiet voices need to stand up and show that the bad seed is not what will rule this Earth. And that all people are the same, no matter of the colour of their skin. That all life matters.

As I was leaving the park, I met a baby rabbit eating the grass next to the walking path. I approached it, it looked at me, and kept munching. I got closer, it kept munching still. I took a picture.

“Ya” - I told myself, ”I think we can live in a world like this - with trust and without fear.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I’ve just learnt that we can never, ever use “all lives matter” as it is considered racist!

Are we all out of our minds, people?

Am I living on the same Earth?

Obviously not.

My magic is turning more and more into a nightmare. And I have so many feelings mixed in me now that I can’t even begin to express it.

A friend of mine just committed suicide. He jumped from the Lion’s Gate bridge. On Thursday morning. Fed up with all this madness. This insanity. This complete lack of objectivity and healthy reasoning. This ef-ed up life that keeps getting more and more insane.

Of course that black lives matter! Everybody in their right mind knows that. It’s appalling to witness something as brutal as killing a black man by a police officer. It's the 21st century, and racial injustice against black people is still alive. How disheartening is that? But today you can’t say anything trying to understand what’s going on. That policeman looked like he wanted to be recorded so he kept pressing the guy's neck. We all saw it. Did we have to see it? Did someone else want us to see it? I can guarantee that every police officer knows that if you press that part of the neck for longer than a minute you could kill a person. So why did he keep doing it in front of the camera?

Did they want to incite protests so that the looters and hooligans can be employed? Maybe they wanted to provoke the military action so they can accuse Amerika of being fascist? How about that? But we can’t say anything. Everything we say would be to demean the importance of the BLM movement. Which is complete nonsense.

There is nothing racist in trying to understand the issue from all sides.

There has been a wave of racial confrontations in Canada recently. It became apparent with the pandemic being started from China. Which is a fact. But we shouldn’t say it because some crazy people will take it against honest Chinese people in Canada or elsewhere. But, it’s always been there, and we should have dealt with it a long time ago. Instead, our political correctness kept it swept under the rug. And now it’s biting us in the ass!

At least we now have to face it and deal with it. However, there are always going to be crazy people out there. There is also going to be people and groups who will want to use that to manipulate the system. And all of us ordinary people that just want to live and dream.

We can’t dream anymore. Magic is gone. Or so they want us to believe.

I just want to howl at the world that it is not ok to kill black people for any reason, especially racial. It’s beyond understanding how those feelings and beliefs against any race still exist to this day. It’s extremely disappointing. This is indirectly probably one of the reasons why my friend committed suicide. But it does exist.

And one of the ways to deal with it is to protest. I hope there is more peaceful protest out there, because there is so much in this system that needs to be fixed.

But it is not ok to destroy the country. It’s not ok to use the protest to loot and break in. It’s not ok to fight for a lawless society!

It is not ok to drive over a group of police officers! It is not ok to watch the officers fly over the cars and tumble on the street like dead bales! There is no one good reason and excuse for that kind of behaviour. How can that ever be ok? There is nothing racist in me saying that. I don’t want to see anybody killed. I don’t want to see anybody being kicked and beaten because of the colour of their skin. I don’t want to hear any bullying of people of any colour. I don’t want to hear that indigenous women are being systematically killed year after year.

I don’t want anybody to be killed, period!

I just want to be free to say what I have to say. I want to see and read about different opinions. I want to be able to understand everything in the most objective way. And that’s becoming increasingly difficult.

The bullying continues. You have to shut up and just submit to what the majority thinks. It may not be even the majority. It could only be a bullyish group of people.

Well, that’s not gonna happen.

The black lives matter, probably the most, because of the opression they were facing throughout the history. But so does the life of my friend who killed himself on Thursday. So does the life of a woman from my neighborhood who got killed by her husband from domestic violence, because of this insane lock down. So does the life of a native woman who got killed. So do the lives of the Serbs and Jews killed in Jasenovac concentration camp. All of which nobody wants to talk about. And if you do, you are demeaning the importance of the BLM movement. And with this, you must be a rasist.

This is insane!

That’s the reality of this crazy life. All those lives matter to me. All together!

And they should matter to you too.

So go ahead and protest. But don't kill and destroy in return. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Now that the lockdowns are slowly transitioning into something more bearable I can’t stop thinking about how it happened that we all, the whole world, got locked up in our homes overnight.

It frightens me how easy it was to control our every movement, our every thought.

As if this was not enough, in the recent news people started drawing circles in parks in California to maintain the distance! Where does this end?

All this time I was going for my regular bike rides, walks around my neighborhood, alone or with my close friends, not actually realizing the real gravity of the situation. Not the gravity of death and number of sick people. There was not a case of covid in my immediate community. The apocalyptic predictions they were bombarding us right from the beginning have never materialized.

Millions will be dead. We ALL will get the VIRUS!

Fear was immense, and still is. The TV machine was working overtime. Recently, a friend of mine was telling me how she got bullied by some of her facebook friends who learnt that she was going for walks and bike rides with her friends, even keeping the ten or more feet distance between them.

Even with all this fear, it was almost shocking to me to learn that many people in BC literally haven’t left their homes and backyards all this time!

If you’ve read my previous post you probably already know that I have been highly suspicious about the whole pandemic. There are just too many illogical things going on. Only time will tell what really happened in the last three or so months, but one thing is for sure: the ease of how the control over us has happened, and the magnitude of it.

To me this is extremely worrisome.


Like the completely deserted streets in the capitals all over the world we were presented over the media.

Like the eerie streets we all experienced around our own neighborhood immediately after the lock down.

Lock down.

We all got locked?

Yes we did!

This led me thinking and digging deep to try to understand the real bases behind this control, so I compiled a list. Weather these tools were intentionally set or just happened organically for reasons we can all speculate about is another story. Coincidences don’t exist, but even if we put that aside, we can clearly identify several possible reasons or tools of control.


One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Canada is how everybody is so composed, very even minded. We Slavs are taught and encouraged to show our emotions. It makes you feel alive, it becomes your integrity, your identity. It shows you that you exist. That you matter. It becomes a tool of expression, of winning the arguments, and with that the life battles.

Over the years I grew to appreciate the control of emotions, especially when you live in a culture with certain values against expressing your emotions freely. Be cool, it’s the way most Canadians grew up. This is the only acceptable way, everything else is looked down on. There are positive aspects of this, especially that concern your own well being. However…. “Don’t let things that you can’t control control you!” That mantra to this day evokes mixed feelings in me. I learnt to behave as most born Canadians do, but deep down, I don’t believe that is the right way. Now I know why.

Because it’s allowing the lock downs like this. Because if you don’t voice your passion against something, things will keep going the way someone “above”, that we seemingly have no control of, has mapped out.


Pride is very closely connected to emotions. Being a Serb, we are one of the most proud cultures in the world. It was proved in many world wide surveys. This brought us many troubles throughout our history, however, it also made us feel true to who we are.

In Canada, most people are proud of being Canadian, but in a subdued way. You are not supposed to show it. There is circumstances where it is appropriate to show it, like in hockey games, or any international sport, but otherwise, it’s mostly closeted. Here we have the gay community very vocal about being proud of who we are, but aside from that, most people don’t value pride. It’s a bad feeling.

So when you are not proud, you get locked up easily.

Serbs for that reason were in wars for probably most of their history....


Like in all things, there are two sides of the same thing. Positive and negative. The nationalism I talk about is the feeling of belonging to a nation, and being proud of that. Being proud of belonging to a culture and all its unique manifestations. With globalist movements spread by exporting western democracy, this is increasingly becoming eradicated. We used to travel to different parts of the world to experience the exact cultural differences we crave and admire, to increasingly notice how all the shops are becoming the same, all the restaurants, markets, goods....

We complain about it, but because we can’t control it, we abandon the rebellious feeling inside us. Because there is no point, because we shouldn’t get emotional about it.

In a country like Canada, that still to this day struggles with its identity, it’s not surprising that nationalism is a foreign term, for most. Add to that the propaganda that every nationalism is destructive and negative, you create a society very prone to be easily manipulated.

Locked down.

BC is doing the best in this epidemic probably on the world level. And we should and are proud of that. But it also shows that we are most obedient of them all…


Very closely connected to the above, this tool is probably one of the most powerful of all. It’s so widely accepted for many reasons. It’s human nature to prefer being a part of a majority, belong to a group that thinks and believes the same. The propaganda machine to apply this tool is so strong and on almost every level of today’s society. Of course, everybody should strive to be as nice as possible, to not offend anybody or anything, to be considerate. But, the problem is that this got so deep where people are not allowed to voice their opinion if it, in even small ways, differs from the accepted norm.

Although I’m absolutely sure that there are many people out there who think that many things about this pandemic are illogical, if not suspicious, they will never have the guts to voice it. The virus came from China, so it is a Chinese virus. It’s a fact. But you are not allowed to say it because you could offend the nation. I’m a Serb, but you should never call me one, because the Serbs are BAD people, as it has been portrayed in mainstream media for years and years.

But it is a fact. And I’m proud of it.

So when you don’t have a choice of voicing your true opinion, you remain quiet. And stop fighting. Stop thinking.

And you get locked down.


In an environment that does not support showing emotions, it is mostly against national pride, and it’s always striving for political correctness, it’s understandable that the peer pressure to behave a certain way is extremely strong. Add to that the political system that never witnessed a true change in governing, when all political parties abandon most of their promises as soon as they enter the political throne and start behaving the same as their predecessor, you get a society well trained to think one and the same way.

It’s becoming extreme to what extent people can't go against the mainstream opinions and values. The so called liberals are becoming more extreme liberals, threatening and bullying the minority who still dare to think differently. In this blindness the objectiveness is becoming less important than belonging to a horde.

This is even more frightening because it’s becoming a tool of the control system inventing the control tools controlling themselves!


It is clear to most how strong the movement about destroying or weakening the education system has been over the last several decades, and still continues. Of course, there is always justification for everything. Lack of resources mostly. But, this is the most common sense of all: education is one of the most important branches of any successful system, and it should remain strong and rich.

But it’s not. Is this a coincidence? I doubt it.

The system of control does not need smart people who can think on their own. It does not need people who voice their opinions, who feel deeply about their values and beliefs. To maintain the emotionless society you first eliminate arts. Fine arts, music. This has been the first to suffer under the lack of financial support. Sport is another one.

As subtle as it may seem, it’s extremely powerful.


At first, this very common phrase sounds extremely positive. It is aimed to move you forward, to not dwell on the past, to let you free. This is how most Canadians are raised to believe.

But when you connect it to all the subtleties of the above noted tools, it becomes clear that it can become just as powerful as them. Past is something bad. The less you know about it the happier you will be. Do not dwell on the past mistakes, on the history lessons. Who cares about history anyways?

Forget about what the government has done. Forget about all the wrong doings. They are just a conspiracy.

If you don’t know about the past you can’t figure out your future.


There has been a big movement about eliminating ego from our self identity in decades. Again, I will talk here about the positive side of it. Ego, by definition, is a sense of self value. This is of course a healthy sense.

Without it, the world would not move.

You have to feel capable of raising a child if you want to be a parent. That’s ego.

You have to feel worthy of getting a job you apply for. That’s ego.

You have to feel that you have something to say in all the creative endeavors of our lives. You have to believe that it is something worth reading or looking at if you want to publish it or print it.

You have to believe that your architectural design is something your client will accept if you are a designer. That’s ego.

You have to believe that you have something to teach your children, that your values are the right ones, and that they deserve to be accepted. That’s ego.

You have to believe in your feelings, in your thoughts, in your words. Without ego, you become an empty shell.

You become a perfect object for a lock down!


I’m sure everybody has witnessed this tool in action. We are all aware of how the current system is tailored to destroy the very unit the whole civilization is rooted by.

Parents work most of the time, children are taken care of by the dissolving educational system, or even worse by the controlling government. There is not enough energy left in parents to deal with all that parenthood brings. Children grow more and more distant from the parents. Add to that all of the above, you get a quite disfuncional unit that is not able to support and control itself.

This creates a perfect ground for the system to jump in and control it the way they choose to.


Again, if you have read my previous posts, you know about my stance about the censorship that has been growing more and more blatant in all the media, including social media that only until recently most of us were ready to swear by. The fact that it happens so obviously today is just another sign to me that all of the tools I listed above are most likely not coincidental. It’s hard for most of us to face the cruel fact that it’s probably all true, but I will leave it to you to deal with that fact the best you are able to.

When you add that the system is established in such a way that most all the media is extremely biased and bulliyish toward any diverse opinion, that most of judicial system is as biased as it can be, using all the above ever so subtle tools, that fear is the most ultimate tool of manipulation we are all aware of, we get the system that dares to play us every which way they want, even breaking up not only family unit, but the friendships!

Locking us all up overnight.

In circles.

Isn’t that scary to you?

Friday, May 15, 2020


My walks and bike rides have always been a form of meditation. I was able to formalize it as such after years and years of reading and experiencing the so-called spiritual awakening that everybody today is aware of one way or another. Either as just a casual reader or some form of a practitioner.

At the beginning I wasn’t thinking about meditation per se but simply enjoying the surroundings, either urban or rural, or completely natural and wild. It was never about exercising, getting fit, reaching a fitness goal, fighting and sweating. It was about feeling good, inhaling the beauty of the surroundings, or if I’m doing it with someone, inhaling the wisdom of our collective thoughts.

The fitness comes secondary, as a result of the moving body and mind at the same time.

Years ago, around the times of my high school years, I started hearing about yoga and its popularity in America, or the west in general. Being the last shiver of the hippie movement in communist Yugoslavia (I can prove it: I have a peace sign tattoo on my left forearm that I got in the army when I was nineteen, in 1982. Of course, the movement itself was very different from what it really was on the West Coast here, but nevertheless....) I was open to those concepts and ideas, but yoga in the west just didn’t quite fit. I thought real yoggies are full of wisdom gained by years of practicing the physical and spiritual part of it. Not just anybody could ever do it right. It was also fishy to me that it was becoming commercial, and the concept even today I have a hard time accepting.

Years later, after I tried it myself, I realised that there is something to it, and it stuck. At the same time this awakening movement started happening and spreading around the world. All of a sudden, gurus, teachers and masters started showing up selling their ideas. To this day, although I got used to it for the most part, I have an uncomfortable feeling in my guts when I see all of those young, sometimes very young people, selling services of awakening and being proclaimed by their followers as gurus and teachers.

The problem is, their teachings come from research and reading, not from real life experience, most of the time. If it comes from experience, it is usually way too short to gain the weight of true life wisdom. It’s ok though. Since so many people are following them,I guess, any awakening is better than none. Also, the criteria of the general population has dropped significantly over the decades, so it’s not surprising that the wave of commercial wisdom is accepted so widely.

Obviously, I still look at all of it with a doubtful eye, but I am happy to see that so many people are hungry for it. There is a long suppressed need of people connecting with true universal wisdom that not only looks up to the universe, but more so deep inside ourselves. 

In spite of all of this oversaturation with various recipes offered to us today, people are more depressed than ever. The loneliness is at the highest level ever, even when people live together in partnerships and especially marriages. While we are reading and learning how to connect with ourselves from inside, our connection with the surrounding world is growing further and further apart.

Covid 19 aside even, the suicide rates are at the highest, the drugs are controlling our youth desperate to find some piece in numbing their reality around them, the grown ups are using it just to be able to deal with everyday burden, the divorce rates are skyrocketing, the friendships are way too superficial, etc.

Wherever one looks today, there are just too many things that need to be fixed. One needs several lives dedicated to fighting just to fix a few. Starting from the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the sun we don’t use, nature, the industry, the economy, you name it.

That leads me to the reason why I’m writing this today. As I was stopping to take pictures of these gentle flowers and leaves along my way, I realized: the true awakening will never happen until we are free! And we can never feel free in the system we live in today.

Not just free of accepting who we are, but of accepting the world around us. And we can only accept it when we fix it. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be my generation, but some of the upcoming ones for sure will have to.

To feel free, we need to be free.

We need to be free from the information dictatorships growing up daily, free from the money that breeds corruption, free from the modern day system based on work slavery, free from the fake democracy that hides behind genocides being committed to this day here in North Amerika, and elsewhere, against the indigenous people, free from the fake media that can only become true media when it becomes objective. To be objective we need to be free to see and choose from both sides. We need to be free to love whomever our hearts choose, we need to get rid of politicians and political parties, we need to be fed with healthy food.

It’s not the awakening that will bring us freedom. Everybody is aware of the problems we are surrounded with, and that doesn’t make us happier. On the opposite. We need to fix them first. We need to be in harmony not only within and with ourselves, but with the world we live in. Otherwise, we can never reach the full potential of who we truly are.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I know one day it will happen. It will all be fixed. Peacefully, I want to believe, but I’m afraid it might not be.

But I wish I could awaken in that world.