Friday, June 19, 2020


Green Timbers Urban Forest - Surrey (Vancouver), BC

Yesterday I came across a FesTV video on YouTube, in Serbian, (link here) where the guy explains his view of the pandemic and why things are happening the way they are. He mentioned a report done by an independent monitoring and advocacy body called Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. It was co-convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organization. Sponsored among others by Bill Gates.

The information is as shocking as doubt provoking.

The board is composed of several members, one of which is Dr. Victor Dzou, who has been praised just recently about the handling of the whole pandemic as a most deserving member.

So I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I googled “GPMB annual report 2019”, and here it was.

If you are one of those who prefer to dig deeper, you would read it and nothing would jump out at you. It’s just a report identifying current conditions in preparedness, and setting up future actions. However....

The highlighted goal, set by September 2020, is for:”The United Nations (including WHO) to conduct at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”

For a casual reader, this is just another goal, an exercise that’s supposed to happen by September 2020.

But, how do you conduct a GLOBAL EXERCISE that will actually show you the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and its preparedness for a pandemic?


The report was a first of its kind, released on September 2019. The fact that it is a first one is a strange fact to say the least, knowing that the world has been exposed to many pandemics over they centuries.

Let me say this again: September 2019 was the release date of the report, stating that two global exercises should happen by September 2020.

In December 2019, only two months after, the virus in Wuhan, China, was first identified.

Let that sink.

To me, it’s a clear indication that this pandemic was artificially created to test the global preparedness. How else would you know that your plan is working?

If you read the report you will recognize several things that have been applied since it started. The governments were already working on all the goals set in the report. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be ready with the billions and billions of dollars for closed businesses and laid off people. Our CERB is actually coming from a CERF fund set by the World Bank, stated in the report.

The World Bank is making its money, WHO resources are getting replenished as indicated in the report, Bill Gates is rubbing his hands waiting for the vaccine he will have a patent for.

And we are running just like headless chickens, this time with the masks over our butts!

Time will tell if this is actually true. Sooner or later the truth will come out. My sense is it is. What is yours?

And if it is, the World Bank, WHO, all other parties involved, and whoever released this virus should be sued for crimes against humanity!

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