Octobar has been pretty bright so far. The indian summer is going well. After the usual walk with Nikkie along the South Dike Trail in Richmond, we decided to enjoy the sun even further. At the very end of the trail, as you exit on a paved street, there is a little island awaiting, and something like a small marina.

There is ol' Eva wating too...

The Finn Village begins out of nowhere. Usually, you will see at least one photographer there. The village is small, but picturesque.

It reminds me on Cigan Mala's (Gypsy Quarters) in Eastern Europe - North American version. This is as close as it gets in polished Vancouver.

Nikkie is investigating the old shacks...

Some say this is squaters haven. Some say it's an art community. It's definitelly full of hippies....

It's so well hidden, I wouldn't be surprised it was ignored and forgotten by most, except artists.

Falling appart. It's such a contrast to the rest of the city, it's almost a releaf. Relaxing, care free.

Some would pay a lot for this old truck...

Shacks and water. There is apparently an annual exhibition held somewhere in Richmond with art, photography, essays, stories or anything else inspired by this small hidden area

I wish a had time to spend drawing and painting it. It's perfect. Now, the photography is the best tool to fit the busy scheldule. More and more, it's with my iPhone. It brings the message accross, at least for this medium...

Time has stopped here...



As you exit the village, there is indian summer awaiting...

The fields are mostly flooded from recent rains. There hasn't been as many rainy days as usual, but the amount of water was huge, so BC farmers have big problems harvesting. It's been proclaimed a natural disaster. Hard to understand on a day like this...
Nice contrast...


Indian summer textures...

The importance of trains for inspiration...

Saturated fields....

Unpicked cabbige...

Indian summer contrasts...

The orange looks so good at this time...